
Tantrik Shamanism will be in transition to Emerald Rose Alchemy over the next few moons to reflect the deeper Galactic Spiritual work I embody. I have not shared this particular Shamanic medicine with the general public and I am excited to do so. Our Ancestors and the Galactic Federation of Love and Light says the time is now. Some of the services will be shifting while others will stay the same. Stay tuned for this celestial blossoming.

In a world that is developing faster than the ocean can clean itself, it is imperative to honor the ancient roots of our existence. Currently, we are enveloped by technology in the Western world. These days, the Eastern world is evolving with a Western mindset. The ancient teachings that allowed our ancestors to thrive during natural disasters and changing times are becoming harder and harder to access. As a society, we have forgotten how to move with the natural cycles of the Earth and our celestial bodies. We have been taught to be slaves to the clock and money. We relinquish time spent alone and with our loved ones for time in front of screens. We give most of our waking hours to work for the sake of survival in a broken system that does not care about us as souls. We are given a number upon birth, and thus that is what we are to the current false leaders in power: a number. We have been conditioned to believe we can own the Earth, when in reality, our first mother belongs to the children who have yet to come. It is part of our Dharma to nurture our Mother Earth. We have forgotten this way of being due to Imperial Colonialism and the Military Industrial Complex. Instead of honoring and respecting the planet, we have been trained to extract resources quicker than our Mother Earth can replenish them. Honestly, with this current way of being, it looks as if there will be very frightening times ahead.

In Tantrik Shamanism, we are encouraged to go within ourselves and ignite our soul’s sovereignty. We face our demons and bring them into Divine light. We set our passions free to create and change the world for the better in our personal lives and in the lives of those around us. We walk our talk and create a conscious ripple effect that naturally shows the outside world there is another way to live—a way of balance and consciousness.

In light of these challenges, it is essential to explore authentic practices that reconnect us with our inner wisdom and the rhythms of the Earth. Akashic Record readings and Shamanic teachings offer profound insights and transformative experiences that help us align with our true selves and the natural world. Yoga practices, rooted in ancient non-dogmatic traditions, guide us in harmonizing our body, mind, and spirit. These offerings provide a pathway to living a healthy and balanced life, even in the midst of technological advancement. By integrating these practices into our daily routines, we can begin to change our personal habits and cultivate a way of living that respects and nurtures our planet. This holistic approach encourages us to move beyond constant consumption, fostering a deeper connection with the Earth and paving the way for a sustainable future.

“Satya is highly intuitive, insightful and has helped me see things a lot clearer. She brings peace and calming energy while being very open, friendly and non judgmental. I value the guidance she provides and would highly recommend working with her.”

~Jen from New York

“Satya is incredible. She is one of the most detailed, accurate and helpful readers I’ve ever spoken with. She tunes into the energy before you ask your question and has always given compassionate and helpful insight. When I talk to her I feel comfortable, like I’m speaking with a close friend. I’ve spoken with her about a certain issue a few times and always get a consistent answer. She’s truly gifted and wants to help you get clarity. I’m looking forward to our next reading!”

~Kate from Michigan

“Satya and I first started working together in 2021. There are no words to describe the depths of what Satya does through her talents. The messages that come through speak life, give clarity, hope, and guidance to my daily living. There aren’t enough words in the world for all the gratitude I have for her. I am and forever will be grateful for her.”

~Anna Lisa from Texas

Satya helped me seeing clearer about my path. She was telling me very accurate things about me, what I was going through and what was going to happen. I would definitely recommend everyone to do a session with Satya. She makes you comfortable, takes her time, she makes sure you understand everything and that you ask all the questions that you need.”

~Caroline from Lebanon