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Awaken your spiritual potential with Satya Mataji Padma, a Multidimensional Mystic offering transformative services, Tantrik Yoga teachings, and Shamanic healing tools. Through ancient wisdom, channeled messages, and divine offerings, Satya nurtures the conscious evolution of humanity.

Satya invites you to experience new levels of spiritual awakening through her personalized Tantrik Healing and yoga classes. Her shamanic ceremonies are offered to uplift our collective consciousness.

Discover the power within as Satya gently guides you to embrace your highest divine avatar self, thus assisting in the anchoring of Heaven on Earth. Her Sacred Healing tools and teachings are created to inspire heart-centered living and divine avatar consciousness.

With deep reverence for the interconnectedness of all beings, Satya has been initiated by elders from diverse shamanic and spiritual lineages. Her extensive yoga studies and shamanic path enable her to clear nefarious energies and manifest a higher divine existence for the highest good of all.

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Satya's encounters with kind-hearted beings and souls, including awe-inspiring Kundalini awakenings, have validated her expertise in Kundalini Tantra. She has trained in Hatha, Ashtanga, Tantra, and Jnana Yoga, and continues her journey as an eternal student and servant of Divine Mother.

Satya Mataji Padma’s Sankalpa is to Nurture the Conscious Evolution of Humanity Through Offering Tantrik Medicine, Ancient Wisdom and Channeled Messages from the Ascended Masters, Angels and Our Highest Divine Ancestors.