Dharma of Water

Water is our number one Medicine. All Beings need water to live harmoniously. Water is one of the four elements and every sacred lineage on earth has stories about the power of water. Did you drink enough water today? If not, stop what you are doing and go drink some spring water. Don’t have spring water? Make it a goal to locate and fill up a huge bottle or bottles of spring water next time you are out and about. We need live water to live in balance with the cosmos. We can not follow our Dharma without water. Depending upon your location, finding natural spring water and filling up easily can be a difficulty. I suggest minimizing your use of plastic as much as possible in the filling up process at a natural spring. Spring water straight from the earth is most likely the least contaminated water on our planet. The water that comes to us from the faucet is dead if you didn’t know.

Have you heard of Dr. Emoto? If not, I invite you to check out his amazing research about water and its crystalline structure. If you live in the colder climates, you won’t need a microscope to see how water has a natural crystalline structure. When it snows, you can see every single snowflake is a crystal. “They” say that every snowflake is unique and this concept is a bit mindblowing. Dr. Emoto’s studies proved that water takes on energies and vibrations. So with words such as Joy and Love, the water, when exposed to these words, sounds, and energies, became quite beautiful and intricate patterns of symmetry and perfect crystalline structures form harmoniously between each of the water crystals. The studies also found that negative words and energies, influenced the crystalline structure of the water as well and the crystals became majorly distorted and imbalanced in their symmetry.

Knowing this simple concept about water and its innate crystalline structure. One can easily see that Water is conscious and is an intricate part of our collective consciousness. Because water has consciousness, this means it has Dharma to fulfill. Our bodies are made up of about 75% water and so is our Earth. This sacred medicine teaching about water, allows us to clearly understand why the law of attraction and the concept of as above, so below exists. We are all connected through the element and consciousness of water.  

Original art by Satya Mataji Padma

My Artistic Twist of Water's Crystalline Structure "Joy" Under the Microscope

Now, I want you to look at what is happening to our water all over the planet. If you think there is nothing wrong, then I invite you to go for a walk by any natural body of water and open your eyes and see that most likely, you’re probably going to find a bit of rubbish or plastic. I suggest picking up what you find and putting it in an appropriate receptacle. This is just the tip of the iceberg of the problem with what our species is doing to our number one Medicine and life source. The water that comes to us from the faucet has to be recalibrated, rejuvenated, loved and brought back to its natural proper crystalline structure for it to be of any benefit to our human bodies. Our body can assimilate perfectly crystalline water because we are sacred crystalline structures ourselves. When we drink water that is dead due to the crystal structures being broken, distorted and discombobulated, the water is going to be hard for our bodies to assimilate and use so that we can keep our vessel, which is a biological machine, working properly.

The sacred teaching about water taking on the vibrations it is exposed to, is one of the key mystery school teachings we can find in this plane of existence. Water is naturally connected to our emotional body, some people when they are angry, they cry, when they are grieving they cry, when they are overwhelmed, they cry. Crying is a natural way to cleanse the energy body and is to be looked at sacredly and tears are a representation of the body doing what it can to clear emotional karma. When one finds themselves crying, it is important to make sure you are drinking plenty of water during this cleansing purge of emotions. When one purges tears, they are letting go and becoming aware of what needs to be looked at in their reality. It is important to stay hydrated and to replace these tears with new live water. If one does not replenish their water source within themselves, if they don’t refill their own cup, they will continuously draw upon the vibrations and karma in which the body already contains. By replenishing the body with a new source of water, one will naturally begin to create new karma and replace their crystalline structure with something new. One can not fill themselves up with a cup that is already full and one can’t pour from an empty cup. In other words, you have to let go of the old in order to receive the new and you can not give from something that doesn’t serve you.

Due to the current state of being on our planet, the Earth in in serious need of refilling Her cup. She can not give anything more to us and it is time we learn from her and all the good she has given us. We need to replenish her cup by letting go what no longer serves us and the highest divine good of all. By doing this, we not only better ourselves and our community, we fix our planet. As above, so below, as within, always without. The sacred water shows us how to relate to and reflect what is good for us. When water shows us how beautiful she can be with her symmetrical patterns when exposed to love, joy and peace, she shows us what can be created inside of ourselves when we expose ourselves to those same high vibrations. Right now, the only water that is sovereign in our world due to the Military Industrial Complex, is the water with in our bodies. It is important in this current phase of conscious evolution, to start with ourselves in making sure we give our bodies water that is aligned and vibrating with joy and love. We must pray to our water, we must keep it in sacred containers, we must clean it, and recrystallize its sacred structure with love, joy and peace if it comes from a faucet. Our consciousness has an effect on the consciousness of water and vice versa. We have a symbiotic relationship to water that we are completely out of karmic balance with right now. The only way to balance the scales of justice for our Mother Earth is to be aware of what we are doing to our water, and what types of water are we putting into our bodies. By loving all our waters and praying to our water we drink and by doing our Mantra Meditations, we are realigning our own crystalline water structures and these sacred manifestations will realign our planet and heal our Mother Earth.


Sapo Medicine