Mantra Sadhana

from $88.00

This is a service that comes with a PDF Document to refer to for this practice as well as all teachings shared in Tantrik Shamanism. We will begin your Sadhana with an hour video live stream class on mantras. We customize your Sankalpa together and will I teach you the mantras you will practice for the duration of your chosen Mantra Sadhana. This service comes with daily communications and is tailored to you and your needs through out your journey the entire duration.

An opening and closing ceremony comes with the 9 Moon Mantra Sadhana.

*** Those of you interested in the 9 Moon Mantra Sadhana, please consult with me first before purchasing, there is a prerequisite for enrollment and you have three paths to choose from***

For more information on Mantra Sadhana, read below.

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ॐ ह्रीं श्रीं क्रीं आद्या कालिका परमेश्वरी नम

Japa is a Sanskrit word for Mantra meditation and prayer practice that one does daily with beads. Whether Mantra Meditation is new to you or you're a seasoned practitioner, these teachings are always worth revisiting. The beauty of a true ancient Vedic Sanskrit Mantra practice is that it is compatible with all spiritual paths, faiths, and religions. You can use mantras in an authentic lab study and record the actual positive results that manifest with everyone and anyone who chooses to sincerely practice Mantra. Mantras will work no matter what your belief system is; Mantra meditation is compatible with any and all lifestyles.

Mantra Classes are tailored to individual needs. We will begin by taking a clear and honest look at your deepest desires in all areas of your life. I will then assist you in writing a Sankalpa. A Sankalpa is your sincere intention that affirms the outcomes you are seeking from the mantra practice. Your Sankalpa will dictate what mantras I share with you. The Sankalpa assists you in grounding your daily Mantra Sadhana, catalyzing the alignment of higher divine energies and frequencies in your life. The practice of Mantra meditation will gracefully open many doors of opportunity for you as well. Through the practice and application of these ancient teachings in the long term, you will find you have more energy, more time, more creativity, and this will naturally stimulate the flow of more abundance.

Mantra is Majik

The ancient sages, scientists, and texts from many ancient traditions teach that Sound was the first manifestation of our cosmic consciousness. Scientists call it the Big Bang, and the best thing of all is our world is constantly expanding with the most talented orchestra of all time. Mantras help us naturally tap into the cosmic flow of life and align us with our Dharma.

Meditation with Mantra is an ancient shamanic practice that has the power to heal, transform, and manifest anything in your life you truly set a sincere intention for. The metamorphosis of you and your life happens while practicing with consistency and dedication. The Ancient Vedic Sanskrit Mantras I teach are ancient combinations of sacred sounds that our body and chakra system are naturally hardwired for. The Mantras activate the energy centers of the body and allow the kundalini to flow. This removes blocks in your chakra and meridian system. When we unlock our chakras and embody more divine energy through the practice of Mantra meditation, we are clearing the way in our daily lives to receive more blessings, synchronicity, metamorphic balancing, and healing. Manifesting becomes a lot easier in the holographic reality of our Earth and our cosmic consciousness. The mantras we do naturally affect the world around us for the better through anchoring divine energies within the practitioner. This is the basic fundamental Tantra practice that supports a soul’s enlightenment and divine realization and liberation. You not only will learn why the most devoted yogis chant and what it does for faithful practitioners, but by working with these sacred teachings, you will see the positive that comes from sustained daily practice of Mantra Meditation.

You want to use mantras that have been passed on to you by someone who’s from a trusted lineage. My guru is Maha Avatar Babaji, and I studied with a Vedic priest over 7 years, and I continue to study with other Yogis all over the globe, and recently, Kali Ma gives me the mantras I need directly. These powerful chants clear one’s karma and make it easier for the soul to find liberation. This, in turn, supports the manifestation of financial wealth and divine love in alignment with one’s Dharma. One should verify that the mantras they find on TikTok, Youtube, Instagram, Facebook, etc. are indeed one of the sacred spells passed on by respected authentic and integral traditions. Mantra meditation is a powerful step in this world to take for your liberation, the collective consciousness’s liberation, and the healing of our mother earth.

10 Day Sadhana

The 1st day starts with an hour-long video class and consultation on Mantra meditation and Pranayama. The entire ten days I will be available by text for you to update me and ask any and all questions that may arise during the Sadhana.

40 Day Sadhana

The 1st day starts with an hour-long video class and consultation on Mantra meditation and Pranayama. The entire forty days I will be available by text for you to update me and ask any and all questions that may arise during the Sadhana. This is one of the prerequisite options for the 9 Moon Sadhana.

90 Day Sadhana

The 1st day starts with an hour-long video class and consultation on Mantra meditation and Pranayama. The entire ninety days I will be available by text for you to update me and ask any and all questions that may arise during the Sadhana. There will be a closing ceremony that includes a shamanic sound healing session. This is one of the prerequisite options for the 9 Moon Sadhana.

9 Moons Sadhana

The 1st day starts with an hour-long video class and consultation on Mantra meditation and Pranayama on the new moon. The entire 9 months I will be available by text for you to update me and ask any and all questions that may arise during the Sadhana. There will be an opening ceremony on the first New Moon of your Sadhana after the video call that includes shamanic sound healing. There will be a closing ceremony that includes shamanic sound healing at the end of the 9 months.