Shamanic Sound Healing

Sale Price:$88.00 Original Price:$140.00

I will facilitate a shamanic sound journey for your healing, metamorphosis and spiritual growth. You have the option to participate over the phone or video call. This service lasts about 30 minutes.

To read more about the Shamanic Sound Healing I provide, read below.

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Shamanic sound healing is deeply woven into Tantrik Healing. The shamanic sound healing I offer focuses on the entire energetic system in connection with the Divine. I utilize crystal therapy, musical instruments, and my voice to create a safe and supportive container for a powerfully healing experience. Through this container, one can find the connection to their higher self, Spirit Guides, Power Medicines, Ascended Masters, Angels, and Supreme Consciousness.

The energy that is cultivated through my work with you, the Divine, and sound allows for the deepest healing in all time and space dimensions to occur, and the transformation process in your soul's ascension is gently catalyzed. This, in turn, can transform you on a physical level as I hold space for the awakening and activation of your gifts that are inherited through your DNA.

Every person's experience with the sound medicine I carry is unique. The most common effect is the feeling of peace and relaxation. Many people have experienced feelings and sensations in the body, seen colors, had old memories surface, received images, had past lives revealed, and some have experienced their soul traveling out of their body. A few people have met their Angels or Spirit Guides and traveled with them. You may experience a purging process; this work is not only for yourself but also a blessing to your ancestors and future generations. After shamanic sound healing, you may have more intense dreams, and your gifts and abilities may be unlocked, allowing for more advanced creations to blossom through you. These sound synchronizations also offer support in releasing patterns, habits, belief systems, structures, emotions, and thought forms that no longer serve your highest good. This container will support your evolutionary growth.

It is necessary to have a journal for this work, and it is advantageous to be aware that there is a two-week integration process after this intense soul work, during which purging is bound to happen. The purging process may come in the form of releasing emotions, beliefs, ideas, patterns, what doesn't serve your highest good, intense thoughts, powerful sensations, and even feeling like you have caught a cold or the flu.

With years of experience, I will guide you in a body relaxation meditation that allows you to rest easily in Savasana, also known as Corpse Pose in Hatha Yoga. I will call in protection with the medicines that need to be worked with, then play musical instruments, use my voice, and possibly sing very powerful mantras and prayers to guide you on a shamanic journey where you will connect with your Spirit Guides, Ancestors, and Power Animals.